Friday, September 14, 2007

Join me, on my high horse

It's Thursday, let's talk about what's wrong with the world.

Rant #1: the people at wendy's in laramie don't care that i'm a vegetarian

It's true, they don't. Maybe I went a little overboard with my reaction to the poor cashier, but seriously? The fact that Wendy's has all of these nice salads, but they are all prepackaged with MEAT in them, is what's wrong with America. Did you notice that we're all fat (except for Britney, see below)? Did you notice that we treat animals horribly? Did you notice that there is absolutely nowhere in Laramie to go on a Sunday night to get a quick bite to eat that's not going to make you feel disgusting?

Sometimes I'm ok with agreeing to the fact that you're just not going to find a lot of vegetarian-friendly places in a small town in Wyoming. Sometimes I feel like saying, why the hell not? Evidence is coming out that our meat-consumption habits are doing more to harm the environment than driving our SUVs. I know people get nervous when we talk about something so close to home, but it's time to start really thinking about this.

Rant #2: people think Britney is fat

She may be kind of dumb, and sad, because capitalism/the promise of love and attention lured her into being nothing but an object. But please, folks, she is not fat. I know this conversation has been happening all over the place--"give her a break, she just had two kids" is the one I've been hearing a lot. I appreciate that people are pointing this out, but even if she didn't just have kids, SHE WOULD STILL NOT BE FAT. She's a perfectly normal sized person who just hasn't been able to keep up with her totally-unfeasible-in-the-real-world four-hour-a-day workouts.

The problem is that up until this point, Britney has existed only for our consumption, and we are angry at her that she is no longer the perfect little hot schoolgirl we wanted her to stay forever. What's even sadder is that the teenage girls who are carefully observing our behavior as a nation are internalizing our treatment of a woman like Britney.

This means that at 16 most girls are way over-sexualized*, that they will do a lot more to get the attention of boys, that ultimately they will place more importance on being attractive than being smart. What happened to the women's movement? Our rampant comsumerism is eclipsing our desire for equal rights. At some point, this is going to come back to haunt us.

Maybe I'm just speaking from my naive standpoint, since my teenage years were pretty well sheltered. If any girl in my high school came to school dressed like the girls are now, we would immediately think she was "troubled". Of course, that was almost 15 years ago, and I guess times do change. And I, apparently, get older.

What do you think?

*A side anecdote: I was in JC Penney in Amarillo, TX a few years ago when I overheard a few 50s-ish women browsing the junior's section. "Look at how short this skirt is!" I heard one of them say. "It's no wonder they all get pregnant--they just bend over and oops! there you go."


Sarcasm Abounds said...

I agree about Brit, our nation is obsessed with unhealthy stereotypes, and nothing she can currently do bring back her career.

However Laramie and Wyoming in general is hostile territory for a vegitarian, they don't cater to "Your kind." So if you have to make a trip into the barbaric hinterlands, pack your own supplies.

Now I have to go finish my peanut butter and beef jerky sandwich.


Sarcasm Abounds said...

wow. I'll grammer and spellcheck before I post again, sorry.


Unknown said...

We would be a lot better off if everyone joined you on This particular horse. Good points about the meat consumption affecting the environment And Britney! Too many good points in one blog though--could set a pretty high standard for what's to come!

Leslie said...

I happened to watch the MTV awards (truthfully, hubby had it on and paused and went back to show me Britney's performance....but not to gawk at her body but to share a sad moment for how not ready she is to be back performing. The poor thing needs serious, loving help). I thought she looked great. I'd be more then happy to have her body. The only body comment I have is that maybe a different costume would have been better. But thats coming from a woman who's never looked good in a bikini and would rather not been seen in a bathingsuit, ever! So I am coming from a different angle I guess.

I can't say too much about meat since I don't travel that road. But since I've been seriously dieting in the past 5 months, I can attest to the grossness of food available for take-out. A burger and fries just won't work so what other options do you have in a pinch? Greasy tacos? Or is it just Subway again! At least the schools seem to be trying to curb sugary sodas and such (although my 5 year old told me they had swiss cake rolls and oatmeal cream cookies as a snack at school...ugh!!!! what are parents thinking???)

Ok, I've gone on long enough! Maybe I need my own blog :)

Awesome observation about the short skirts! Kinda reminds me of "History of the World, Part One". As Mel Brooks says, It's good to be the king.

tee-plate said...

maybe you should spell check your grammar, SA. there's no "e" in that word. :)

Unknown said...

PS though, while I am with you on your rant against Wendy's and other fast foodies who don't provide vegetarian options, I feel it important to provide a gentle reminder that the cashier can't do anything about it anyway. Maybe picketing outside the corporate hq would work, though, and I'm always up for some grassroots-keepin-it-real action so call me and I'll bring the poster board if you bring the duct tape.

tee-plate said...

yeah, RL agreed with you and thought i was being a little ridiculous about my choice of rant venue. but who knows if she didn't take it back to her manager? i mean they're the ones dealing with the people you know?

Sarcasm Abounds said...

Ouch. Point taken.


P.S. People working minimum wage are deaf to any concerns you might have, the crushing despair is about all they can handle.

Sarcasm Abounds said...

Weird, cuts off the url string. Here it is again in pieces. Of course now you are just annoyed with another post. . .:)



Anonymous said...

I have so much I want to say. But all that comes to mind is: "oops! there you go."