Monday, August 11, 2008

My Visit to the Doctor

It's been awhile since I've been, so I saved up a couple issues to talk to her about (which was fairly disconcerting at the start of the appointment. Front Desk Guy: "Did you tell us you had more than one issue? Because we only have a set amount of time. You might have to come back for another appointment. She only has 15 minutes with you." Then I got to my exam room and go through it all again with the actual doctor: "Did you tell them you had more than one issue? Because we only have a set amount of time. You might have to come back for another appointment. I only have 15 minutes with you." Meanwhile, she got to the office 5 minutes early, and ultimately, we had plenty of time to talk about all of my issues.)

So, all that to say that I have some weird glob of tissue in my eye that seems to be growing scarily close to my iris. The doctor walked in, looked at me and said, "It's a pinquinilla." The doctor knew exactly what it was! She even had one of her own! And I'm not going to go blind! What a relief when a doctor can show you exactly what you're suffering from and can tell you that it's totally benign. She pulled out her book to show me "worst-case scenarios" of said eye infliction.

The weird thing was that she kept saying "pinquinilla." Then when she showed me in the medical book, it was spelled "pinguecula." Does this seem at all like the correct pronunciation for this word? There's no Q, no second N. But she was so confident in her pronunciation that I'm pretty sure she's dyslexic. Great, smartypants doctor has issues.

Well, after the whole eye globule affair, she told me I could only pick one more affliction to deal with today ("because of time constraints"). So I showed her my pinky finger that I jammed playing kickball. It hurts when I bend it certain ways, and the joints healed up funny. She looks at it and, finally, says I probably broke it!

Now, I have never broken a bone in my life. To have broken it playing kickball, of all glorious things, means that I am true hard-core kickballer. I even re-jammed it a week after I jammed it the first time....and KEPT PLAYING!!!

Obviously, I'm looking for a little credit. Since RL's x-rays at the hospital came up with an old fracture in his pelvis that he didn't even know he had, I feel like I deserve a little slap on the back for sacrificing my body. For kickball. Just don't slap too hard. I have a broken finger, you know.


Leslie said...

You're one tough cookie, Tiff. Hopefully your pinkie will heal straight and look like a finger. When I was in 6th grade I jammed my ring finger playing PE softball (I didn't have a glove and a dumb boy threw the ball to me, hard, to get the out at home! I didn't have a glove!! and I was playing catcher for a no glove!) ANYWAY, the PE teacher gave me a splint and my first joint healed all bumped up. Thanks no-medical-knowledge PE teacher! So, hope your pinkie looks normal as well as feels good soon.

Oh, and I'm really glad you're not going blind. But having a globule in your eye, no matter what the name, can't be a happy thing. :(

PS, what was the third thing? You didn't stick something some where and get it stuck, did you?

Anonymous said...

Virtual high-five for the sick injury, and post-season imaginary lap of healing for your stamina, determination, bravery, and willingness to fight through the pain. Congratulations on your broken finger! You really worked hard for it.

Anonymous said...

O, I guess I should've signed that.
Your admirer,

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have two pinguecula(e) too, I'm finding it pretty bad!
How are you doing now? Is it improving, becoming worse, or?
Bye, Eve